
Planning a Med-Free Birth? Here’s Your Quick Hospital Must-Haves in Huntsville

An expectant mother packing a hospital bag
Crestwood Memorial Hospital in Huntsville, ALabama
Crestwood Memorial Hospital in Hunter, Alabama- one the wonderful hospitals where local moms can deliver.

If you’re planning a med-free birth in Huntsville, I have something you’re going to love! 

I’m talking about packing your hospital bag, but this isn’t an ordinary list.

This is one crafted JUST FOR Huntsville Moms planning a med-free or natural birth.

I remember when I was packing my own bag with my first baby. I had no idea what I would or wouldn’t need at the hospital and the whole thing was overwhelming, so I procrastinated. But there’s no reason to stress when those who have come before you share their knowledge!

Ready to get started? Let’s make sure your bag is packed with everything you need to feel empowered during your med-free birth.

First, bring plenty of snacks and your favorite beverages.

There are a few things you’ll want to make sure you have on hand to keep your energy up during labor.

Pack snacks that are high in protein and easy to eat on the go, like granola bars or nuts. You’ll also want to bring along a water bottle or two, as staying hydrated is key during labor.

Consider bringing liquid IV or something else to replenish electrolytes.

It’s always a good idea to have a few changes of clothes with you in case your labor goes longer than expected. After all, you never know what might happen during childbirth!

For natural birth in YOUR Huntsville, you want to pack items that will keep you comfortable and relaxed

There are a few things you can bring to the hospital to help make your natural birth more comfortable and relaxed.

Consider bringing a loose-fitting nightgown or robe. This will help you stay comfortable during labor, and it will also make it easier for nurses and doctors to check your progress (if you choose).

Bring some washcloths and towels, as well as a small bottle of unscented lotion. These can be used to wipe your face and body during labor, and the lotion can be used to keep your skin from getting too dry.

Also, pack a small case with any essential oils or other relaxation techniques that you want to use during labor. This could include a diffuser and some lavender oil, or a positive affirmations deck. My favorite essential oils to use are lavender and sweet orange. Plus they’re great mixed together!

Another game-changer for your birth experience? Bringing a doula!

She won’t fit in your hospital bag, but she might carry it for you!

A doula gives support, both emotional and physical, and can be an incredible advocate for you during labor. They’re not only there to help you stay calm and focused but also to use their knowledge to enhance your comfort using techniques like massage and position changes.

I’ve connected with multiple wonderful birth doulas here in Huntsville, but there’s one who stands above the rest. If you’re searching for a doula and need a recommendation, please reach out, I’d love to share with you!

When you come prepared with these items, you can help ensure that your natural birth is as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

If you’re planning on breastfeeding, pack a nursing bra and some nursing pads

Here’s a list of items you could pack in your hospital bag:

●      A nursing pillow: This will help you to position your baby correctly while breastfeeding.

●      Nursing pads: These absorb leakage and help to keep your clothing dry.

●      Breast milk storage bags: These can be used to store expressed milk for later use.

●      Lanolin cream: This can be used to soothe sore nipples.

●      A water bottle: This will help you to stay hydrated while nursing.

By packing these items in your hospital bag, you’ll be prepared to start breastfeeding as soon as your baby is born!

Don’t be concerned if you don’t actually need this items while still in the hospital. For many moms, their milk doesn’t really come in until after they’ve left the hospital, so nursing pads may not be necessary until later. Same with nipple cream. Your breasts may or may not be sure while you’re in the hospital. But at least you’ll be prepared in case these items are needed!

Next, if you’re having a water birth, make sure to pack a top that can get wet or a swimsuit.

Water births can provide a more relaxed birth experience. If you’re planning on having a water birth, there are a few things you’ll need to bring with you to the hospital.

Consider bringing a swimsuit. You’ll also need a large towel to dry off after the birth, and a small towel to place under your head while you’re in the tub.

Don’t forget to bring your hypnobirthing audio or other calm meditations you might want to listen to during labor!

Water births can be an incredible experience! But not all facilities have birthing tubs. Most do have showers though, so you can still use the comforting benefits of the hot shower water. Some prefer to shower with their bathing suit top, other wills prefer to shower nude. Be sure to pack your suit if you’re not sure what you’ll want.

Bring an item to visually focus on during contractions that will calm you and help you focus.

Once the contractions are back to back and at their most intense, it will help to have something to keep you focused. Some women like to bring a framed picture, an ultrasound picture, a piece of art, a special item from their baby’s nursery, or a stuffed animal. Anything that reminds you of your precious little bundle and the reason for all this hard work!

Of course, don’t forget your birth photographer!

There’s something to be said for hiring a professional birth photographer! Here are just a few benefits of having a birth photographer on hand for your hospital birth:

  1. They can capture all the special moments, from the first push to the moment your baby is placed in your arms.
  2. They know how to work within the strict confines of a hospital setting, meaning you’ll get beautiful photos without disrupting the flow of your labor and delivery.
  3. They can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed during labor, knowing that they’re taking care of documenting everything.

So, if you’re considering hiring a birth photographer for your upcoming hospital birth, rest assured that you’ll be in good hands! Click here to see more of my Huntsville Birth Photography.

So what do you think? Is there anything you would add to the list?

Clo Photography provides birth photography in North Alabama for expecting moms who want a supportive member of their birth team and beautiful portraits documenting their birth story. We serve families in Huntsville, Hampton Cove, New Hope, Guntersville, Madison, Athens, Decatur, and all throughout the North Alabama region. We also offer maternity, newborn, milestone, and family portraiture.

We offer an easy and fun experience with a stress-free photoshoot, a beautiful gallery of images, and quality selection of family heirloom products such as cards, prints, albums, custom designed wall art to pass down to your children. If you are searching for a maternity, birth, newborn or family portrait photographer near Huntsville and would like to create heirlooms for your family, I would love to meet you!

Interested in reading more about birth photography? Check out this article:

The delivery room doctor handing a new mother her brand new baby at Crestwood Memorial Hospital in Huntsville Alabama

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